Working Remote Frustrations

As we here@HAYNE continue to stay safe and work from our homes, we have come across some “things” that make our fists tighten just a bit. We had previously done a post about what our home offices look like as well as some tips for a successful set up but this post is not that. Check out below the “fun” challenges we came across that almost lead to a fist punch through the monitor screen!

1. Network Connection Loss

We need to be able to connect to our network drives in order to access our files, so when we lose connection or get kicked out.. we want to kick the computer screen in.

2. Printing a PDF from Revit

I mean, just why? When we print from Revit 2020 (which most are projects are in #upgrade) to create a PDF drawing package the font goes loco. It overlaps and the spacing gets all messed up #WTFRevit #WTFPDF. So fun. Our work around is to open it in Illustrator and edit it that way. Have a solution?… PLEASE TELL ME!

3. Different Video Meetings

It’s great (ish) that there are many ways to communicate during this time BUT sometimes having several options can actually be a draw back. Some need to be downloaded or not every computer everyone is using is equally compatible. Or there’s me, I work off a desktop and do not have a mic or camera so I have to use my phone and computer. We make it work but it can be a bit of a pain.

4. Some Programs Aren’t Happy

Some programs *cough PowerPoint cough* DO NOT like working remote and will fight you just about the whole time until you send it to your co-worker and call them to tell them what you want done before you light your computer on fire… in theory of course. Sometimes if the overall connection is poor then Revit or even Outlook for mail can become slow and frustrating to use.

5. Morning Snacks!

Here@HAYNE we communicate! #OfficeMeetings We still have our morning office meetings at the beginning of the week but now they are done from home via some sort of conference call. Pre-quarantine our awesome Office Mom would bring in morning snacks like fruit and delicious pastries.. I mean I am not sure why our Boss Man isn’t getting them delivered to each of our homes but maybe they are still on their way…

Well I hope if you are facing some similar issues with your work remote situation you know you are not alone! We have to stay strong and push on, we will get through this. Let us know of what difficulties working remote has brought to you or our office and wash those hands!

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