Working through As-Builts: Tetris Style!

DREAM: Go to a site. Take measurements and write them down very neatly with different colors to organize different conditions. You are able to easily access every space in the house. You photo document every wall and special conditions happening. You return to the office in 3 hours because you were able to complete it…

“Back to School” Shopping List

Hello friends! So it is back to school for many people (I can tell with the increase in traffic in the morning..) and although we did not have summer off (#keepwishing) we thought we would use this as the theme for our post today. Everyone is getting their shopping done and so we want to…

Things we Love: Figuring out As-Builts!

YAY! As-builts, I love them.. said no one ever! But in the architecture world you will find yourself coming across them pretty often. What does make us happy, from as-builts, is when we figure things out or make sense of them. We will give you an example below of how this week we did something we…

Project Spotlight: Castle Pines Refuge

Don’t worry folks, we will get you updated on our awesome Ridge House project soon. First, let’s take a quick break and give you a peak of how we do things Here@HAYNE! Our spa project in Colorado, Castle Pines Refuge, has moved through Design Development and hopefully soon will go into Construction Documents. When our…