New Year, Same Sh*t, Better Us? Hayne Office Goals for 2024

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, of what, is an empty desk the a sign? Space for different “clutter”. One. Better Drawing Storage Despite our best efforts to go digital, we are still paper hoarders and the plan sets pile up. We currently stack plans on any open surface or…

Architect on Vacation: Holli in Hawaii

Last week, I took an actual vacation… I know, it’s CRAZY!  Although my days were mostly filled with relaxing near a pool or on the sand overlooking the ocean, I just couldn’t stop myself from taking some archi-photos. Now, back to work…

Project Spotlight: Murphy Way

Hillside homes can be very tricky to design. You want to try to balance cut and fill, allowing the house to follow with the hillside rather than just carving out a flat pad and sticking a two-story house on it (definitely not site appropriate). With our Murphy Way project, we started out with a series…

Dressing Up: Like an Architect!

AHHHH! Only a couple of days are left until SpooOOooOoky Halloween is here and there you are costume-less trying to figure out what to be! Well fear no more, Hayne is here to help! This week we’ll share some Halloween help by giving you four badass Architects you can dress up as! 1. Denise Scott…