Elevation Study: Builder Box to Provençal Farmhouse

We have another exterior remodel on the boards!  This one is looking at transforming a builder box on the hill into a Provençal Farmhouse.  As this house is located on a significant ridgeline it is important to look at the use of appropriate natural colors and materials (we have some experience with this… check out…

New Year, Same Sh*t, Better us? – Project Goals for 2024

Here are our top 5 Project goals for 2024! Number 1 – Get a Certificate of Occupancy for the Ridge House! This project has traveled a long hard road, and it would be nice to get it across the finish line this year! We started working on this project in 2013… Can you believe it?…

Things we love.. NOT: WTF (What The Fascia)!?

Things we love: Progress on projects!… things we love NOT: Wrong finishes on materials! We are excited to update you on our Ridge House project in Calabasas. The spaces are really starting to read and the volumes are looking right but after stepping onsite you can’t help but say WTF!!? The fascia board finish doesn’t match…

Project Spotlight: Castle Pines Refuge

Don’t worry folks, we will get you updated on our awesome Ridge House project soon. First, let’s take a quick break and give you a peak of how we do things Here@HAYNE! Our spa project in Colorado, Castle Pines Refuge, has moved through Design Development and hopefully soon will go into Construction Documents. When our…

Gifts for the Future Architect

BUILDING The Freckled Frog’s Happy Architect in Natural Great for future urban planners! These sets are also available in a town set with painted facades or with a chalkboard surface to allow your future architect to create their very own building fronts. Create a Treat’s Barbie Cookie Dreamhouse Kit An edible Barbie Dreamhouse? Absolutely! Superspace’s…

Bitchin’ Kitchens for a Festive Feast

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and the menu planning and shopping have begun… but where are we preparing this festive feast?  Here at Hayne, we have gathered just a few of our favorite kitchens that would be the perfect backdrop for that giant bird. One. Moody, Small, and Intimate Our Hayne Cottage kitchen is…

Project Spotlight: Castilian Drive

It’s been a minute since we’ve updated you on this project so let’s bring you up to speed! Here are some photos of the existing property for you get a feel of the house. So now that you have seen the house you can refresh your memory on what the proposed design looks like! I…

Project Spotlight: Murphy Way

Hillside homes can be very tricky to design. You want to try to balance cut and fill, allowing the house to follow with the hillside rather than just carving out a flat pad and sticking a two-story house on it (definitely not site appropriate). With our Murphy Way project, we started out with a series…

Honeysuckle Farm: Gym

Line up everyone, the tour continues! We just left the Art Studio, where the creative mind can paint, sculpt and be free! Now we take the hardscape bridge and head on over to the Gym! Let’s get our sweat on! Phew, well I am already feeling sore but remember we can’t just work out our…

Things we love: Favorite Architecture

The love doesn’t stop at Valentine’s Day! Here@HAYNE we show more love by sharing each team member’s favorite architecture. Check out everyone’s pick below and let us know what you think or what your favorite architecture is! Robbin D. Hayne MLTW, Sea Ranch Condominium One in Sonoma County, California 1965 Fun fact: This project inspired…