REVIT Best Practices – Creating a Project Template Part 1 – Origin and Line weights

Last week was all about mental preparation.  This week we will focus on the most frustrating REVIT graphic that I always forget to adjust when starting a new project… LINE WEIGHTS! Ok.  Let’s dive right in.   Now SAVE your template!  Let’s take a breather…  Next time we will look at adjusting our text and…

REVIT Best Practices: Creating a Project Template Part 1 – Mental Preparation

I have a love/hate relationship with templates.  I LOVE using templates, but I HATE setting them up.  I am a huge advocate of having and using templates in a small firm to increase efficiency and productivity.  We have office templates (thanks EntreArchitect for generating our base files!) to generate proposals, do cost estimating, set up specification…

Pro and Cons of dating an Architect

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! On this week’s blog post we thought it would be fun to go through the Pros and Cons of choosing an Architect as a life partner. Enjoy and let us know if you have any pros and cons to add! PRO: Creative Thinkers We are creative people and problem solvers! You almost…

REVIT Best Practices: Sharing your Model

Hayne Architects has been migrating its project workflow from AutoCad to Revit for a few years.  Currently, we decide whether to use AutoCad or Revit based on the project size.  Small remodel projects typically will flow through AutoCad, while larger scale projects will go straight into Revit.  Personally, I think all of our projects should…

The Hayne Way: Creating Digital Stamps

Here at Hayne projects going through many changes such as design, finishes and specs. These changes are crucial for the growth of the project. In most cases we are designing for someone else so their coordination and approval are necessary. By creating a digital stamp for the client to sign and date, it allows for…

Professionalism 102 – Applying for a Creative Job

This post is a continuation of our previous post Professionalism 101 – Applying for a creative Job.  Please refer back to this post to review our original top 3 “No-nos”. Here at Hayne we are hiring again (interested in applying, check our listing on Indeed!), and as such we are getting some interesting applicants trying…

Here@Hayne nothing goes to waste… What do you do with all that paper??

We end up with a lot of paper trash.  Whether it’s printing check sets for in-office review or printing submittal sets for the various jurisdictions we work with (can you believe that sometimes we need to print out as many as 7 full-size drawing packages and 11 reduced copies!!) we end up with a lot…

Same Tools, Different Uses

If you are anything like us, then I am sure at some point in time you have found yourself in a pickle! Luckily for you, here@HAYNE we have many tips and tricks up our sleeves that we are willing to share to help you out! For this week, we will go through some of our…

Best Practices: AutoCAD Drawing Templates

Efficiency if key for a small firm and drawing is what we do, so we should be good at it.  Because of that, it’s important to have functional drawing templates to maintain office standards.  It shouldn’t matter if the project manager is drawing it or the summer intern; the output should meet the quality and…

REVIT Best Practices: Wall Schedules with Type Images

In the olden days (HAHA)…  Our Wall Types were displayed as plan detail drawings identifying the material composition and wall thickness. Then I read a little blog post “Graphic Standards – Part 2” by Bob Borson on Life of an Architect.  Similar concept, but much more informative with a full assembly description moving from exterior…

Project Spotlight: Dude, where’s my column?

Previously in our REVIT tutorials, we were looking at how to construct a base model using drawing information provided by the Client.  This can be a difficult task depending on the quality of the information you receive.  Is there a survey?  Are they AutoCAD drawings?  Are there multiple sets?  Are there discrepancies?  After a certain…

Revit Best Practices: Customizing Components – Garage Door

As a continuation from our last Revit Best Practices: Adding Information to your Base Model let’s look at making some custom components.  Let’s begin with the Garage Doors. STEP 1: PREPARE AND REVIEW YOUR REFERENCE MATERIAL STEP 2: START WITH A BASE REVIT FAMILY FILE   STEP 3: START SETTING UP YOUR NEW DOOR PARAMETERS  …