Twin Motion VS Enscape

In our last week’s post we took look at what Twin Motion was all about and played around in it to see what it could do. This week we are throwing Twin Motion in the deep end and seeing how it compares to our awesome-sauce Enscape. Check out below to see the results! GRAPHICS Here…

Enscape Assets: Load up the Bar!

Hello Friends! As I am sure you know, we like Enscape. We like to use it as design tool in “white mode” to see the rooms spatially before materials and finish decisions are made like we did here. After materials are put in, we really like using the Asset Library to make the view or…

Project Spotlight: Murphy Way

Hillside homes can be very tricky to design. You want to try to balance cut and fill, allowing the house to follow with the hillside rather than just carving out a flat pad and sticking a two-story house on it (definitely not site appropriate). With our Murphy Way project, we started out with a series…

Let’s just Pop this in…

We love to be accurate here@HAYNE and how our new tool Enscape can show our boss, clients, or colleagues the spaces that are being designed. We love that they love it, but sometimes we think they don’t get how it works. Since the infinite library of Revit component doesn’t exist yet, we have to model…

Project Update: Claremont Club_ Café

Hello friends! Welcome back! Our Café project in Claremont is moving along and some material selections have been picked. Now that they are in the model we can see the space come to life and it is looking wonderful! Scroll on down to see the transformation from our introduction post of the Café! Is it…

Project Update: Reynolds Court Material

Hey there! Last time when we talked about our schematic design process, we used our Thousand Oaks project as an example to walk you through it. Now that we have been moving through Design Development and into Construction Documents we have some more things refined. We’ve picked materials, appliances and plumbing fixtures that are coming…

Software Spotlight: Revit Render vs Enscape

Welcome back! As we continue to work in (and love) Enscape, we thought it would be interesting to compare render views from Enscape and Revit. Before using Enscape we would buy credits and send views from Revit to render in the cloud so we could continue to work as it rendered. This was helpful to…

Project Spotlight: Graveyard Edition- The Ridge House

Hello friends! Our Ridge House project has been ongoing under construction and although we aren’t doing site visits anymore we put a lot of work and thought into this home. Since we aren’t a part of construction administration to help oversee the progress we cross our fingers in hopes it looks right at the end!…

Here@HAYNE we try new things: Enscape!

Welcome back! Here@HAYNE we are always open to exploring new ways to work and showcase our designs. We recently came across Enscape, which is a live rendering program,  and thought we would give it a shot! So far I am an Enscape fan! It has some really great features that I think will help show…