What we love…NOT! Estimated Cost of Construction…

Let’s be honest. When we first entered this wonderful profession called architecture we were not thinking “Wohoo! Excel spread sheets for days!”. The numbers were not the exciting part (and not really highlighted in our schooling), but estimated costs of construction are important for every project we do. We need to know upfront what a…

Things We Love… NOT: Phased Projects!

Let’s just jump right into it… the next thing on our April series is phasing! Now we understand that sometimes the client doesn’t have enough capital to fund the total scope of a project, which then leads to phasing. The tricky part about phasing is how to create the drawings and how they are filed…..

April Series: Things We Love… NOT: Cleaning out the Mother Board!

Happy April everyone! This month’s theme are about things we love… NOT, to honor the first of the month April Fools Day. It’s Spring time, which can mean Spring cleaning annnnd in our case it means cleaning out our lovely, always compliant mother board a.ka. Marge! After seeing what she looked like when opened up,…

Product Spotlight: LiveRoof & LiveWall

Today we are going to show some love to one of our favorite systems to incorporate in our projects, LiveRoof and LiveWall.  These are both modular systems designed with integrated irrigation that are pre-planted, so when they are installed they are lush and full!  No need to wait for them to grow in! We’ve specified…

Things We Love: Quick 3D Views from Revit

Continuing our February LOVEFEST, lets talk about the power of BIM and the quick production of 3D views.  Not everyone can look at a 2D drawing (plan or elevation) and understand the 3 dimensional space.  Why not use those super detailed BIM models to create views so that our Clients can see what we see!…